Traped Dipole

When I started my working on the air I was thinking how to test it easy and without high cost. To be honest it wasn’t so easy.


First antenna which I tested was “An Attic Coaxial -Cable Trap Dipole for 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 80 Meters“ first made by John DeGood, NU3E who supposed me some improving.



Antenna is constructed as stealth under the roof in this case is not necessary to make an isolation etc. I used RG coaxial cable to make “traps” fist.  Antenna was installed and I measured SWR which was not horrible but not excellent.

After testing this antenna I was not so much satisfied with it and decided to make a vertical. Original article is enclosed here.{filelink=1}

It dos not mean that is bad, I only had lack of  measuring instruments and patience to set each element. Now I don´t use it , may be in future.


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